
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Winter Solstice Fasting for Health and Longevity by Keidi Awadu (Living in Black)

Winter Solstice Fasting for Health and Longevity
Posted by Keidi Awadu on October 4, 2010 at 7:46am in Health and Environment

For anyone interested in a means of rapidly improving your health status, quickly losing weight, and gaining mastery over the processes of psychology and spiritual manifestation, I recommend fasting for health and longevity.

I have been fasting regularly for about 5 years and love it immensely. As a rule I begin my fasts on the seasonal changes. Thus, the first day of Winter (Winter Solstice / first day of the true calendar year); first day of Spring (Vernal Equinox); first day of Summer (Summer Solstice); and first day of Autumn (Autumn Equinox) I automatically know it is time to begin fasting.

My fasts go through different phases and generally last from 7 to 28 days, even though I have fasted for as long as 42 days. I like to keep my fasts in cycles of 7, as it is a sacred number in ancient cosmology.

The phases of my fasts proceed as follows:

1) Initiation - I generally will go on water only for a period of from 2 to 7 days. This allows for a quick conversion to the beneficial outcome of the fast and also reinforces a discipline that is simply amazing. This is NOT recommended for those new to fasting as it can have some surprising negative consequences such as fainting and cramps. If you do feel faint it is most likely a consequence of a sugar crash; you can drink grape juice or orange juice for quick relief. You can add lemon or lime to your water to balance out your missing electrolytes, which is the source of the cramping. I might also use flax seed oil in case my lips start to blister from the missing fats.

2) Colon Cleansing - After the water phase, I go to an herbal laxative and unfiltered prune juice or plum juice. This provides a great elimination of that mass which has accumulated in the colon and intestines, some of which has built up since my last fast 90 days before. Once a year, at Spring, I additionally take the CKLS / olive oil cleanse, which REALLY gets the stuff that has attached itself rather permanently on the lining of the intestines and colon. You would be surprised at the stuff that comes out.

3) Targeted System Cleansing - I go through a series of organ cleaning, and blood cleaning juices; one per day. These proceed from, or include: 100% cranberry; pomegranate; celery; carrot; apple, orange; cucumber and blueberry. Each of these have a specific purpose and are targeted at a specific body system: kidneys, blood vessels, blood, immune system and nervous system.

4) Chelation Therapy - There are three phases to this part of the detox, each cycle lasts for approximately 8 hours and the cycle repeats for three days: First, I take 1 tablespoon of bentonite clay along with one capsule of calcium disodium EDTA to remove heavy metals and toxins on the cellular fluid level (these can include arsenic, mercury, aluminum, lead, cadmium, nickel, and more). I take three doses once every 2 hours and then break for two hours; Second, I use about 2 oz. of aloe vera juice along with one capsule of a combination of Milk Thistle and dandelion root, as a liver rejuvenating tonic and blood cleanser; again three doses over 2 hours each, rest for 2 hours; Third, overnight I use prune juice along with CKLS or cascara sagrada, both herbal laxatives, to remove the waste that has been pulled out from the body during the two previous sessions. This cycle goes on for three days.

5) Cellular Rebuild - After completing these phases I have lost on average about 1/6th of my body weight, up to 26 lbs. Now I begin cellular rebuilding with protein juicing with a lot of fruit along with almond or rice milk. I do use a soy based protein powder made from organic soybeans. Fruits will include banana, mango, papaya, strawberries, grapes, blueberries, apples, oranges, kiwi and more. Additionally I will make vegetable juices with tomatoes, celery and greens.

6) Living Superfood - For me, the ideal way to return to eating solid foods is to go completely raw, organic with the incorporation of as many "superfoods" and "superherbs" as possible. This way I have been able to maintain the new body at its highest vibration level as possible. Quite simply, after the detoxing cycle is complete, there is no rush to get back to the patterns of eating and living that I knew before the transformation.

I hope you find something instructive and inspiring in this information. I also recommend you seriously increase your exercise during the fast. For me, this is the time when I am the strongest. I do a minimum of 150 sit ups per day along with vigorous walks, bike rides, hand weights and strenuous work. I DO NOT allow myself to feel weak because of not eating.

The human body is an awesome and amazing machine; perhaps the finest in the known universe. I recommend that we all take control of our bodies and stop the habits that are contrary to our optimum health and vitality. The rewards are awesome and include heightened intuition, increased clairvoyance, rapid weight loss, increased energy, heightened spiritual awareness and appreciation of the many blessings that are in our lives. Plus, you save $10's each week from the money you saved on food. Check out the catalog on LIBRadio for some great audio on fasting, juicing and other serious health solutions.

As the optimal path toward sustaining this body purity, I highly recommend staying on a strictly vegan nutritional path immediately after the completion of the fast. For me, the optimal is 99% raw, living food. The outcome will be miraculous. Even further, the incorporation of "super foods" into your regular food intake will access an even higher level of vital health and energy. You can learn more about my latest research at

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