
Monday, March 21, 2011

The Remedy...Day 2

This has been an interesting ride already. Here are the updates so far.

Night sweats-I was sweating ALL night. I do sweat at times, but I had to get up and put on  a cotton gown to absorb the sweat. When I woke up, it was soaked through. My husband also said that he was sweating all last night. Neither of us thought the house was hot so it has to be the detoxing. I'm going to give him a dry brushing and massage tonight to help him detox a little faster. Last night prior to going to bed I did a dry brushing to my body and then my shower.

Mucus-I woke up this morning coughing up mucus. No matter how much I got rid of it kept coming. I thought it was just me, but my husband complained of the same thing. I'm glad to see it because it's better to get it out than keep it inside your body. It's amazing to me that being on such a gentle cleanse is having results so quickly!

Prune Juice (the juice of the day)-Ah yes, prune juice ala Mega Greens. Delish. I do need to go to the store this morning so I better hurry up. We don't want any surprises this morning now do we? No, we don't.

30 FB fast-I forgot to mention that I began a 30 FB fast at the same time I began the cleanse. I thought I would miss it because I use it a lot. I don't miss it at all. I did a 7 day FB fast before and I had a little withdrawal the first day or two, but this time...nothing. I'm enjoying not feeling compelled to keep up with 1 group of people multiple ways. I've noticed that people that have you email will both FB and email you and sometimes even text. That is entirely too much access and attachment.

Seeds planted-Yesterday, my dawta and I went to purchase seeds for this year's garden. This year I will be planting everything inside cinder block raised beds and using the holds in the cinder blocks to plant herbs and such. I'm really excited. Hopefully this way I won't have the same battle I had last year with weeds. UGH!!! Now, if I can find a way to get rid of all those beetles I had last year naturally. Neem oil? We'll see...

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