
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Remedy-Day 4

I know I was slack because I usually write earlier in the day. I've been busy with errands and such. So, I've had lots of energy today, but I think it's more because this cleanse is almost over. I'm mostly finishing because I like to finish things I start. Here are conclusions I've come to while doing this cleanse:

This is not for someone who has cleansed regularly or already eats a relatively healthy diet. We were already vegetarian. We already drank chlorophyll daily. We'd already stopped eating out a lot. Blah, blah, blah...That being said, I didn't see any profound change. This would be an excellent starter cleanse. I will however incorporate all of the things I've learned and build on what we already have established healthwise. At a later time I will, however, do weeks 2-5 of the cleanse. I don't have the funds right now to do everything as it should be done, so as stated above I won't do it until I can do it completely.

Bowel health is very important to me. That being said, I was more comfortable with MC in that I saw "results" daily. With this cleanse I only had results when I chose to drink prune juice as my juice. I am a little nervous that I am going to have to do some extra work to get my bowels back on track. We'll see. I know that he mentions enemas and such in the book for those that have problems with constipation, but I didn't and I don't plan on starting now.

I'm going back to my old chlorophyll. I realize that his chlorophyll might be better, but what good is something that I hate drinking? Maybe as I continue this path I will revisit it, but until then...I'm over it. I also like liquid chlorophyll more than powder...especially grainy powder.

A cleanse shouldn't make you tired imho. Okay, so when I did MC I had the energy of 10 women. I was waking up without my alarm clock, taking walks, and exercising. Well with this I've been too tired to even read my books, which pissed me off a bit.

This is an excellent cleanse for a beginner. The cleanse is short, sweet, and to the point. You also are able to have a break the monotony with the juices and you are also able to choose which juices you want which I love!!!

I realize that my commentary doesn't line up with most that sing the praises of this cleanse and maybe the next time when I am able to do the entire thing I will see a difference. I'm not giving up on it just yet. I'm definitely going to revisit the concepts with my own tweaking. I would suggest that you try this cleanse for yourself and if nothing else buy the book, because it has SO MUCH KNOWLEDGE in it.

Btw, today is the last day of the cleanse, but tomorrow is a recovery day. Don't ever do a liquid cleanse and think that you don't need a recovery day.

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