
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Finding a Middle Ground with Grits

Okay, so when you are trying to change you diet you often feel as though you are being told "don't eat this...don't eat that...this is poisonous...that causes cancer..." You are also often told that you have to give up your favorite foods. Well one of my guilty pleasures is grits. I don't know what's wrong with grits and to be honest I don't want to know because I'm not going to give it up yet. Queen Afua mentioned replacing grits with somethings that made me prefer giving them up completely so that's a no go. I actually don't eat them that much. For the most part I only eat them when my husband request them, which is maybe about every couple of months.

 Anyhoo, since beginning to read "The Remedy" I feel as though I need to add greens wherever and whenever possible. So yesterday as I sat staring at the pot of grits, thinking about how much starch I was about to feed to myself and my family, I had an idea. I would add spinach to it. I added fresh chopped spinach to the bottom of the bowls, allowed the heat and moisture from the grits to wilt the spinach, and a new middle ground was born. I am a southerner by birth and still live here. We tend to eat really heavy meals and so this is just one more step in the right direction. Next I need to work on portion control and gluttony. Until I get that under control I'll just try to find a healthier way so that I don't balloon back up to my former 185+lbs.