
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Self-Administered Colonic Massage

Bowel health is so important and yet it remains taboo. I hope that you will sneak and watch this and begin to take better care of your bowels.

Well then, Master Cleanse it is!

So I've been battling a headache all day. I've been using white willow bark and it's taking the edge off, but it's not quite doing the job. Every year my body let's me know when spring is on it's way by my headaches making their way back. When I did MC for the first time it was because of the headaches and the headaches have been the reason for my decision to MC each year. As you know did the remedy instead, this is a clear sign that it didn't do the job quite like good ol' MC. I'm also REALLY tired and can't seem to get enough rest. UGH!

Summer solstice is on my birthday and I usually try no to cleanse on my birthday. I might just end up cleansing early, because I can't have too many more days like this. I've had a lot going on right now and a cleanse will probably do me a lot of good on both a spiritual and physical level.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

$2.95 meal...almost

So my money was a little challenged today. I had rice, stewed tomatoes, and almond milk. What can I add to that to make something delish that my kids and family can and WILL eat. I decided at buy a bad of lentil and bunch of mustard greens.  I drained the tomatoes and put it in the stew. I used the juice from the tomatoes, cumin, and curry to season the rice. Talk about stretching a buck. For hubby and kids, I put theirs on burritos with leftover black bean burgers. MAJOR SUCCESS!!!!

How to Make a Not Tuna Salad by Evelyn Prather

Winter Solstice Fasting for Health and Longevity by Keidi Awadu (Living in Black)

Winter Solstice Fasting for Health and Longevity
Posted by Keidi Awadu on October 4, 2010 at 7:46am in Health and Environment

For anyone interested in a means of rapidly improving your health status, quickly losing weight, and gaining mastery over the processes of psychology and spiritual manifestation, I recommend fasting for health and longevity.

I have been fasting regularly for about 5 years and love it immensely. As a rule I begin my fasts on the seasonal changes. Thus, the first day of Winter (Winter Solstice / first day of the true calendar year); first day of Spring (Vernal Equinox); first day of Summer (Summer Solstice); and first day of Autumn (Autumn Equinox) I automatically know it is time to begin fasting.

My fasts go through different phases and generally last from 7 to 28 days, even though I have fasted for as long as 42 days. I like to keep my fasts in cycles of 7, as it is a sacred number in ancient cosmology.

The phases of my fasts proceed as follows:

1) Initiation - I generally will go on water only for a period of from 2 to 7 days. This allows for a quick conversion to the beneficial outcome of the fast and also reinforces a discipline that is simply amazing. This is NOT recommended for those new to fasting as it can have some surprising negative consequences such as fainting and cramps. If you do feel faint it is most likely a consequence of a sugar crash; you can drink grape juice or orange juice for quick relief. You can add lemon or lime to your water to balance out your missing electrolytes, which is the source of the cramping. I might also use flax seed oil in case my lips start to blister from the missing fats.

2) Colon Cleansing - After the water phase, I go to an herbal laxative and unfiltered prune juice or plum juice. This provides a great elimination of that mass which has accumulated in the colon and intestines, some of which has built up since my last fast 90 days before. Once a year, at Spring, I additionally take the CKLS / olive oil cleanse, which REALLY gets the stuff that has attached itself rather permanently on the lining of the intestines and colon. You would be surprised at the stuff that comes out.

3) Targeted System Cleansing - I go through a series of organ cleaning, and blood cleaning juices; one per day. These proceed from, or include: 100% cranberry; pomegranate; celery; carrot; apple, orange; cucumber and blueberry. Each of these have a specific purpose and are targeted at a specific body system: kidneys, blood vessels, blood, immune system and nervous system.

4) Chelation Therapy - There are three phases to this part of the detox, each cycle lasts for approximately 8 hours and the cycle repeats for three days: First, I take 1 tablespoon of bentonite clay along with one capsule of calcium disodium EDTA to remove heavy metals and toxins on the cellular fluid level (these can include arsenic, mercury, aluminum, lead, cadmium, nickel, and more). I take three doses once every 2 hours and then break for two hours; Second, I use about 2 oz. of aloe vera juice along with one capsule of a combination of Milk Thistle and dandelion root, as a liver rejuvenating tonic and blood cleanser; again three doses over 2 hours each, rest for 2 hours; Third, overnight I use prune juice along with CKLS or cascara sagrada, both herbal laxatives, to remove the waste that has been pulled out from the body during the two previous sessions. This cycle goes on for three days.

5) Cellular Rebuild - After completing these phases I have lost on average about 1/6th of my body weight, up to 26 lbs. Now I begin cellular rebuilding with protein juicing with a lot of fruit along with almond or rice milk. I do use a soy based protein powder made from organic soybeans. Fruits will include banana, mango, papaya, strawberries, grapes, blueberries, apples, oranges, kiwi and more. Additionally I will make vegetable juices with tomatoes, celery and greens.

6) Living Superfood - For me, the ideal way to return to eating solid foods is to go completely raw, organic with the incorporation of as many "superfoods" and "superherbs" as possible. This way I have been able to maintain the new body at its highest vibration level as possible. Quite simply, after the detoxing cycle is complete, there is no rush to get back to the patterns of eating and living that I knew before the transformation.

I hope you find something instructive and inspiring in this information. I also recommend you seriously increase your exercise during the fast. For me, this is the time when I am the strongest. I do a minimum of 150 sit ups per day along with vigorous walks, bike rides, hand weights and strenuous work. I DO NOT allow myself to feel weak because of not eating.

The human body is an awesome and amazing machine; perhaps the finest in the known universe. I recommend that we all take control of our bodies and stop the habits that are contrary to our optimum health and vitality. The rewards are awesome and include heightened intuition, increased clairvoyance, rapid weight loss, increased energy, heightened spiritual awareness and appreciation of the many blessings that are in our lives. Plus, you save $10's each week from the money you saved on food. Check out the catalog on LIBRadio for some great audio on fasting, juicing and other serious health solutions.

As the optimal path toward sustaining this body purity, I highly recommend staying on a strictly vegan nutritional path immediately after the completion of the fast. For me, the optimal is 99% raw, living food. The outcome will be miraculous. Even further, the incorporation of "super foods" into your regular food intake will access an even higher level of vital health and energy. You can learn more about my latest research at

Autumn Fast and Colon Cleanse

Saturday, March 26, 2011

I'm trying to make it to this point...

Belly be gone!!!

I can't remember ever mentioning this, but I have a belly. It's not from giving birth because my youngest is 8 year old. It's not because I have a C-section and they ruined my ab muscles. It's because I have a starch addiction.

I spent a lot of time "counseling" my husband on his sugar addiction. I would fuss at him for eating sweets at night etc. One day, I was singing the praises of MC and a balanced vegan diet when I realized something. When I did the MC the last time, I continued with a very  balanced diet. Very little to no unhealthy white starches. In other words, I wasn't eating anything that I had to validate eating. I was making healthy soups, salads, pasta dishes (no white pasta), etc. My stomach was SO FLAT! Okay, well, it was flat enough for me. lol Anyway, that being said I realized that my starch addiction was also a sugar addiction. The trick is that I could satisfy my with a seemingly harmless bowl of rice with veggies that were sometimes starchy themselves. I had to have rice with everything. Not brown rice. My drug--I mean rice of choice is basmati or regular white rice.

Now that I know what the problem is what have I been doing to solve it? Well, I've been finding things to replace my starches. For example I would usually make beans and rice together and that would be my entire meal and I was good. No greens, just rice. Well I made this tasty meal and it was so good the kids ate it again for dinner and almost ate all of it between the two of them.

White Beans, tomatoes, onions, garlic, garam marsala

Chinese Cabbage and Kale

Everything plated up.

 Don't you wish the computer had scratch and sniff or at lickable screen? Not to worry. This dish took no time to make. It is as easy as I made it sound. Oh, btw, I mixed everything up before I ate it but by that time I wasn't thinking about taking a picture. ;)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Remedy-Recovery Day & some pics

Can I just say how happy I am to be drinking my old chlorophyll? OMG!!! It taste to clean and delicious!!! I will think of Supa Mega Greens, every time I smell pond algae from now to the rest of my life. None of us will even open the jar. I realize that this sounds dramatic, but I don't care. lol I will try the 5 week plan, later on, but I will not spend the money I spent on Supa Mega Greens again. Ever. Never. Never ever never ever never in life...ever.

So anyway, we've eaten some tasty miso soup. It was my first time. I must say that I will be checking miso out again. I'm thinking that I will use it to season my rice or quinoa. It was quite delish. Tonight I we are going to have VERY simple salads, with homemade dressings. Then I'm going to make strawberry banana smoothies for whoever wants it.

Here are some pics for ya!
This is the beginning of my cinder block garden

I just have to add the other side.

I am going to add newspaper to prevent weeds and plant in all the large holes.

I want to use a lot more yard for gardening, but I have to cut down more trees. :(

Dehydrating pears. They taste like candy.

I got this dehydrator for $5 at GW. It has one more tray and a plastic sheet for "wet stuff".

This is what we had for dinner. No I didn't follow the instructions of just squeezing a lemon on this. I did, however make a lemon dressing that I found on line. Of course I put a lil of myself in it and it was soooo good!

Recovery Day-Ummm...yea..about that...

Okay so, today is the recovery day. I set my alarm to get up late because I'm still feeling all exhausted. My daughter comes and knocks on the door because she's been throwing up. Bless her heart. Because was a CNA for quite a bit of her life she knows how to analyze bodily functions. By the time we started talking she'd analyzed the consistancy of yesterday's defacation, that there wasn't enough defacation, and that her vomit didn't look like it should. You might be grossed out but I was beaming with pride as I re-cooled her washclothe. She is already learning to take her health into her own hands which is more than I can say for most adults these days. My son woke up to see what was wrong with his sister, so we basically had "a meetin' in tha ladiesroom". lol He hung out for a while and we all decided to go ahead and stay up since it was already 6am. Everybody said their Ori prayers, got dressed (I'm pre-shower dressed), and I went to fix peppermint tea for my daughter (with an extra shot of peppermint), and made made this for my son:
Egg, almond milk, soy bacon, spinach, garlic, onion, and nutritional yeast

Not that pretty, but he liked it. lol

So of course at this point I haven't juice anything for fear that she will star throwing up again as soon as I get up to go do anything which is kind of stupid I guess because she is very mature. I guess it's just me being a mother. Anyway, I'll probably be doing prune juice again since I have no clients today. lol Mari, will be on liquids all day today to flush her system.

Something interesting just happened. My son was tell my daughter about the omlet I made for him. She was saying that it sounded good, but grossed her out because her stomach still hurts. We began to discuss why it is that when you are nauseous, the smell/thought of meat/dairy makes you sick, but veggies don't. Hmmmmm....

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Cinderblock Garden

I'm really excited because I have my seeds planted and they are already coming up!!! I decided that this year I would do an above ground cinder block garden. I'm also going to incorporate the foot gardening technique along with cover the bottom with paper to keep the weeds down which shouldnt' be a problem anyway.

Yesterday, my Dad brought the cinder blocks to me. He only brought 30 although I clearly asked for 40, but he quickly redeemed himself by helping me unload the blocks which are no-joke-ridiculously heavy. Today, I put them in place and put a foot path between the beds...well 1 and 1/2 beds (remember I don't have all of the blocks). Btw, my dawta did the foot path while I did the blocks. I'm going use the holes to plant flowers, herbs, and maybe even some plants that don't grow too large. I guess I should add some pics to this huh? I'll do that just for you. That'll be later though, because right now I'm outside enjoying the warm weather and the beautiful breeze. Thank GOD, I don't have allergies!!! ;)

Remedy-Day 4

I know I was slack because I usually write earlier in the day. I've been busy with errands and such. So, I've had lots of energy today, but I think it's more because this cleanse is almost over. I'm mostly finishing because I like to finish things I start. Here are conclusions I've come to while doing this cleanse:

This is not for someone who has cleansed regularly or already eats a relatively healthy diet. We were already vegetarian. We already drank chlorophyll daily. We'd already stopped eating out a lot. Blah, blah, blah...That being said, I didn't see any profound change. This would be an excellent starter cleanse. I will however incorporate all of the things I've learned and build on what we already have established healthwise. At a later time I will, however, do weeks 2-5 of the cleanse. I don't have the funds right now to do everything as it should be done, so as stated above I won't do it until I can do it completely.

Bowel health is very important to me. That being said, I was more comfortable with MC in that I saw "results" daily. With this cleanse I only had results when I chose to drink prune juice as my juice. I am a little nervous that I am going to have to do some extra work to get my bowels back on track. We'll see. I know that he mentions enemas and such in the book for those that have problems with constipation, but I didn't and I don't plan on starting now.

I'm going back to my old chlorophyll. I realize that his chlorophyll might be better, but what good is something that I hate drinking? Maybe as I continue this path I will revisit it, but until then...I'm over it. I also like liquid chlorophyll more than powder...especially grainy powder.

A cleanse shouldn't make you tired imho. Okay, so when I did MC I had the energy of 10 women. I was waking up without my alarm clock, taking walks, and exercising. Well with this I've been too tired to even read my books, which pissed me off a bit.

This is an excellent cleanse for a beginner. The cleanse is short, sweet, and to the point. You also are able to have a break the monotony with the juices and you are also able to choose which juices you want which I love!!!

I realize that my commentary doesn't line up with most that sing the praises of this cleanse and maybe the next time when I am able to do the entire thing I will see a difference. I'm not giving up on it just yet. I'm definitely going to revisit the concepts with my own tweaking. I would suggest that you try this cleanse for yourself and if nothing else buy the book, because it has SO MUCH KNOWLEDGE in it.

Btw, today is the last day of the cleanse, but tomorrow is a recovery day. Don't ever do a liquid cleanse and think that you don't need a recovery day.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My husband hates me...and himself.

WHY IS HE COOKING VEGETARIAN DIRTY RICE AND BROCCOLI?!?!?!?!?!? When I tell you that chlorophyll water has never pissed me off as much as it is right now, I mean every word. He is a really good cook so this is sheer torture. I'm trying to finish the water so I can at LEAST juice the melons!!! UGH!!! I HATE THIS CLEANSE RIGHT NOW!!!

Remedy-Day 3

Good morning! So last night I went to be around 8:15-8:30. I was so tired/drained. I did my pre-shower dry brushing and boy did it feel good!!! My cycle started this morning so I'll blame the headache I had on that. This morning I juiced cantaloupe because today is melon day.

Issues so far:

Amount of Mega Greens needed vs. shipping efficiency-I am doing the cleanse with my husband. Went through the 1st jar of Mega Greens yesterday. When I messaged him on FB he said that they only ship every two weeks so you should plan for that. If you are doing the entire five week plan (alone), I would estimate that you will need 3-4 containers if you add the maximum amount to your various juices. Another idea would be to see where you are at the end of the cleansing portion and order according to that prior to the 5 week part of the plan. BTW, there is no expedited shipping offered that I know of.

Juicing out of season-So, yea melon is not in season right now. Shoot a lot of stuff is out of season right now so this is really expensive and I'm trying to figure out where this stuff is even coming from. I am treating this like I do cooking. I'll do it as recommended the first time and tweak it to fit the next time.

Amount of water to drink daily-I was already drinking a gallon of water daily. I decided that he must mean that you are to drink a gallon minimum. Maybe my stomach capacity is too large from overeating all these years. Idk, but I'm going to do it his way this time, and as stated above, tweak for my needs the next time.

Size of Mega Green opening vs tablespoon-I know this may sound petty, but whatever. I was a little irritated at not being able to fit my tablespoon in the opening of the jar. If you tell me that all of my measurements are pretty much in tablespoons, shouldn't your jar accommodate a "regular" tablespoon. For all of you culinary artist, I realize that tablespoons come in all shaped, but most of us use the Dollar Store round one. Anyway I just ended up dumping both jars into a mason jar for less waste and time saving.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Remedy-Day 2...evening

So my husband didn't want anymore prune juice for totally valid reasons. He preferred peach, which of course is not quite in season here, but what hubby wants hubby gets. I decided since I was spending unnecessary money I would get some pears to juice alongside the peaches. Pears are my fav next to strawberries. Honey, lemme tell ya!!! My juice was DELISH!!!! OMG!!! Why didn't I drink it this morning too? UGH!!! Anyway, hubby said he was gross and as usually wished he had gotten what I chose. ;)

Tomorrow is melon day. I bought cantaloupe and honeydew. I wanted some freakishly out of season watermelon, but all they had were those little science experiment dwarf seedless kind. :( For our fourth day I bought some mangoes that were on sale...wonder why? lol

I don't know if I'm going to do the 5 weeks (4 weeks for us as we are already vegetarian) because this stuff is really beginning to dig into my pockets. I'll probably do it next time with all the juicing and such at the end. It is a really good plan, but I just need to be a little more prepared for it.

Btw, we are getting rid of the microwave. My dawta can in shouting, "Iya, I figured out how to warm food up in the toaster!!!" I was really happy for her, but realized how screwed our children are if anything ever happens. We really gotta do better. My husband was actually the hardest to sell on the idea, but has now thought of 50 reasons not to have one. lol Gotta love him.

The Remedy...Day 2

This has been an interesting ride already. Here are the updates so far.

Night sweats-I was sweating ALL night. I do sweat at times, but I had to get up and put on  a cotton gown to absorb the sweat. When I woke up, it was soaked through. My husband also said that he was sweating all last night. Neither of us thought the house was hot so it has to be the detoxing. I'm going to give him a dry brushing and massage tonight to help him detox a little faster. Last night prior to going to bed I did a dry brushing to my body and then my shower.

Mucus-I woke up this morning coughing up mucus. No matter how much I got rid of it kept coming. I thought it was just me, but my husband complained of the same thing. I'm glad to see it because it's better to get it out than keep it inside your body. It's amazing to me that being on such a gentle cleanse is having results so quickly!

Prune Juice (the juice of the day)-Ah yes, prune juice ala Mega Greens. Delish. I do need to go to the store this morning so I better hurry up. We don't want any surprises this morning now do we? No, we don't.

30 FB fast-I forgot to mention that I began a 30 FB fast at the same time I began the cleanse. I thought I would miss it because I use it a lot. I don't miss it at all. I did a 7 day FB fast before and I had a little withdrawal the first day or two, but this time...nothing. I'm enjoying not feeling compelled to keep up with 1 group of people multiple ways. I've noticed that people that have you email will both FB and email you and sometimes even text. That is entirely too much access and attachment.

Seeds planted-Yesterday, my dawta and I went to purchase seeds for this year's garden. This year I will be planting everything inside cinder block raised beds and using the holds in the cinder blocks to plant herbs and such. I'm really excited. Hopefully this way I won't have the same battle I had last year with weeds. UGH!!! Now, if I can find a way to get rid of all those beetles I had last year naturally. Neem oil? We'll see...

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Remedy...Night 1

It's about 9:15pm and I am finishing up my green water. I'm going to go do the breathing exercises prescribed, dry brush my entire body, shower, stretch, and go to bed. This has been a good day and I feel good about it. Btw, my headache is due to my cycle coming and has nothing to do with the cleanse. :)

I meant to mention that a friend of mine started MC today also. I'm very excited for her! It feels really good to see Sistas taking control of their bodies and health. She is going to change her whole family's outlook on health.

It's not about living forever, it's about living out our allotted time to the fullest!

Headache already...(The Remedy Day-1)

Okay, so I have a headache. This is what I think is going on. 1. My cycle is starting today and when I haven't been eating well I have headaches as one my PMS symptoms 2. This cleanse is working faster than I thought. It's not a migraine, to I'm happy about that, but not being able to take anything is a bit difficult. :(  This a totally normal part of detoxing. Just know you need to just ride this out and it will be better the next day.

This is just an update to allow others to compare notes now or in the future.

The Remedy Cleanse-Day 1

First of all I started off wrong. lol I was supposed to have my juice in before 9am. Um, yea, I came out of the room at 10:46am. Now that we've had "true confessions" we can cover what has happened so far. I juiced an entire bag of oranges. 24oz for my husband and myself and about 16oz for my dawta. I added 1tbsp my husband's and mine and 1/2 tsp to my dawtas. The reason that I reduced the amount for my dawta is that she doesn't eat as much as we do so I knew she wouldn't drink as much juice. I didn't know what they Supa Mega Green tasted like at that point so I didn't want to overwhelm her. After that I put 2 tbsp each in our gallon jugs of distilled water. Mari drinks 48oz of water per day so I gave her another 1/2 tbsp in her water.
How does it taste in the juice?
Well with the orange juice it didn't alter that taste. I chose orange juice because it was cheaper. The book does give other juices that you can drink on day 1.

How does it taste in the water?
Green. It doesn't taste like grass or anything. It does have a little ginger added for flavor. I would describe it as clean and green tasting.

What if I can't drink that much water?
Even if you normally wouldn't drink a gallon, you will be able to do it on this cleanse. Remember you aren't eating anything solid for 4 days. A gallon per day of water, green or not, should be your goal anyway. Your body is made up of mostly water when in top condition so you have to replenish that. Also drinking water will help you to lose weight if that is one of your goals.

Why should I do instead of MC in your opinion?
I am only on day one, but I will offer an opinion on this anyway. This cleanse is much more "doable" with a more balanced approach. If you are in an emergency situation, like I was when I did MC, I'd have to admit that it looks to be a much faster flushing option. You may even consider following your 10 days on MC with 5 days of The Remedy. The Remedy offers more variation because of the choice of juices. I also grew tired of the sweet taste of the "lemonade" all day.

That's all I have for right now. Let me know if you have any questions and I will do my best to answer them.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Finding a Middle Ground with Grits

Okay, so when you are trying to change you diet you often feel as though you are being told "don't eat this...don't eat that...this is poisonous...that causes cancer..." You are also often told that you have to give up your favorite foods. Well one of my guilty pleasures is grits. I don't know what's wrong with grits and to be honest I don't want to know because I'm not going to give it up yet. Queen Afua mentioned replacing grits with somethings that made me prefer giving them up completely so that's a no go. I actually don't eat them that much. For the most part I only eat them when my husband request them, which is maybe about every couple of months.

 Anyhoo, since beginning to read "The Remedy" I feel as though I need to add greens wherever and whenever possible. So yesterday as I sat staring at the pot of grits, thinking about how much starch I was about to feed to myself and my family, I had an idea. I would add spinach to it. I added fresh chopped spinach to the bottom of the bowls, allowed the heat and moisture from the grits to wilt the spinach, and a new middle ground was born. I am a southerner by birth and still live here. We tend to eat really heavy meals and so this is just one more step in the right direction. Next I need to work on portion control and gluttony. Until I get that under control I'll just try to find a healthier way so that I don't balloon back up to my former 185+lbs.

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Remedy...the basics week 1

First and foremost, because I believe that we should support African American in business. I will not be giving all of the information that can be found in "The Remedy". He has it packed full of encouragement, hints, nutritional info, recipes (all kinds), exercise, etc so you DO NEED TO BUY THE BOOK!

Table of contents and abbreviated run down:
Part I-The Remedy
This covers the chlorophyllian cleanse. I am REALLY excited about this and I hope I can do it for 2 weeks to replace the week 2 step. We'll see. Basically in week 1 you juice in the morning and evening and you drink 1 gallon of water that contains a chlorophyll mixture. I did choose to purchase Brotha Slom's mixture, but he does give you a recipe on how to make your own. I rather just buy what I need. Thanks anyway.

Since I hinted at week 2 I will clarify for you. During week 2 he does allow for a flexitarian diet. This is intended to prevent heavy meat eaters from slitting their wrist from withdrawal symptoms. I don't really need that week, so I'm thinking that I might double up on 1 of the weeks instead (probably week 1).

Messaged Brotha Slom on FB and he said that my Supa  Mega Greens should be here by the end of the week so I'm excited that I should be ready to start on Sunday aka Spring Equinox!!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Here we go again!

Okay, so I'm going vegan...again. I realize that at this point you think I'm a failure, but I don't even care. This is about my health. Let me start with a cleansing list of my weaknesses:
  1. I am addicted to sugar, but not in the form of desserts. I love love love starch! According to Supa Nova Slom I'm a starchetarian.
  2. I eat emotionally. I like right now I'm mad as hell and I want a pastry. I'm more pissed off because my husband was supposed to get it hours ago, didn't, and then came out asking about it like I said it 5 minutes ago.
  3. I have a major issue with over eating or gluttony. I think it's directly connected to #2.
I will probably add somethings to this list later, but this is all I can think of. So, as you know, I always cleanse with the coming of spring. Well I was going to do the cleanse "The Remedy" by Supa Nova Slom, but the Supa Mega Greens are very slow coming IMHO and he hasn't answered my email enquiring about when it should be here. *just messaged him on FB. Ironically, he'd just made a post about ordering the Mega Greens* Anyway, if they aren't here then I will default to the MC. I really hate doing it and won't even attempt the salt water if I am forced to do it, but I like to cleanse WITH the equinox not before or after. I have to get rid of this stomach. I also have to buy some pepper spray so I can begin walking 3 miles again. Soul Twin doesn't feel too good about me walking alone, but that's why I like it because I'm ALONE! I'm also planning on taking 3 yoga classes a week. We'll see how it goes...Well, this was more of an update than a full post, but of course you will be hearing more from me soon.