
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Whelp, here we go again.

So I couldn't get my unlimited yoga pass last month, because funds were low. I was going to get it this month, but I wanted to make sure everything was going to clear first. Big mistake. I should've just paid for it when I had the money. Now I won't have it again, because I have to pay for the kids to take gymnastics and capoeira. I must REALLY love my children.

My other goal is to start the Couch to 5k challenge. I have the app on my phone. The weather has been nice. There is one problem I can't seem to get my ass to move from the couch to the 5k. Just pitiful.

I hit this SAME brick wall every year this time. My body starts yearning from a cleanse, but I know I'm going to gorge myself at Thankgiving, Christmas, Kwanzaa, and New Years. It takes about 15 days to correctly complete a 10 day cleanse, so there just isn't a lot of time in between, especially at this point. Christmas Eve is only 12 days away and we get together to watch movies and eat on that day. I'm still not to the point where I don't enjoy and feel pressured to eat socially. The funny thing is that my family doesn't pressure me anymore. They've gotten used to my dietary differentness. It's me. Sometimes the food is SO good that I'm all YOLO with it. If I don't stop, I'll be shortening my life. I'm not getting any younger.

Can somebody please come drag me off my couch? Thanks.

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