
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sniffles...and yoga.

Well, this schizophrenic weather got me. I should've had my echinacea  tincture going a long time ago when I saw all the other herbal Mama's doing so, but I didn't. *sniff* I started it yesterday, but of course it won't be ready for 6 weeks. When babygirl finishes the dishes I'm going to get started on making my salve. I'm really excited. If I felt better it would have been done yesterday.

Anyhoo, I did an update video on youtube where I mentioned beginning yoga. Well, first I was trying to wait for my cycle to lighten up, then an old leg injury started flaring, then I got sick, and then my entire leg was hurting yesterday. I just feel old!!! I decided to set the date for October 1st. Hell or high water, sickness or health, rain, sleet, or snow I'm going. Well...not sleet and snow, but I will definitely brave the rain! My daughter told me to blog about it so I won't punk out. She knows me so well.

Wanna join me?