
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Diva Cups

EcoStiletto's Rachel Breaks Down the Reusable Cup from EcoStiletto on Vimeo.

Forget this!!!

My stomach is still a train wreck! I still have cramps which I don't usually have when I am eating a vegan diet. I can take the MC symptoms and I can take menstrual symptoms but the two combined is too much. I am conceding defeat and just going on to my vegan diet. Not to mention that the MC headache has already started. It's not that I can't do this, but I am choosing not to torture myself unnecessarily.
Here are the lifestyle changes
  1. Walk at least 9 miles per week
  2. Eat a vegan diet, but may make vegetarian pescatarian exceptions for special occasions.
  3. Continue with chlorophyll daily
  4. 1 gallon of water minimum daily
  5. Fruit/fruit juices and water before noon
  6. Vegetables from noon prior to evening meal
  7. Light vegetables, fruit, or smoothie for dinner
I'm going to listen to the Creator concerning listening to my body.

Senna is a beast!!!

The last time I did MC I swore that I would never use the saltwater again. I have to admit I tried a weaker version yesterday to no avail. Which is why I used the prune juice which did what it was supposed to do and did so naturally and painlessly. Now, last night I drank a different brand of laxative tea. Yogi brand. I was snatched out of a deep sleep by pain. I mean that pain that causes you to rock and moan. I couldn't lay down, my stomach was going crazy with cramps and bloating. It was horrible. I started feeling kind of weak and was about to tell my husband to call 911--suddenly came sweet relief. I burped and kept burping. Now, usually that much gas and bloating means that you have something in your body that your digestive system is having a hard time with. I kept hearing the Creator say, "Listen to your body". I heard it loud like someone was sitting there talking me through that situation. Anyway, it passed and I was able to sleep. Needless to say, I won't be doing that again. I'm not sure if I will even complete this cleanse. Not because it's hard, but because I've changed it so much to accommodate my body I'm not sure that there is even a purpose behind it. If I do, I will just be having prune juice, 1 gallon of water per day (as usual), and the lemonade. I also plan on beginning to shop according to Dr. Sebi's suggestions. I will post a list below of recommended foods.


VEGETABLES  - Dr. Sebi says, “Avoid using a microwave, it will kill your food”.

Amaranth greens – same as Callaloo, a variety of Spinach
Bell Peppers
Burro Bananna
Chayote (Mexican Squash)
Dandelion greens
Garbanzo beans (chick peas)-optional
Izote – cactus flower/ cactus leaf- grows naturally in California
Lettuce (all, except Iceberg)
Mushrooms  (all, except Shitake)
Mustard greens
Nopales – Mexican Cactus
Poke salad -greens
Sea Vegetables  (wakame/dulse/arame/hijiki/nori)
Spinach (use sparingly)
String beans
Tomato – cherry and plum only
Turnip greens



FRUITS - Dr. Sebi says,” no canned or seedless fruits”.

Bananas – the smallest one or the Burro/mid-size (original banana)
Berries – all varieties- Elderberries in any form – no cranberries
Grapes -seeded
Limes (key limes preferred with seeds)
Melons -seeded
Orange (Seville or sour preferred, difficult to find )
Raisins -seeded
Soft Jelly Coconuts
Soursops –Latin or West Indian markets)
Sugar apples (chermoya)

Lemon grass
Red Raspberry
Sea Moss Tea 




Mild Flavors
Bay leaf
Sweet Basil

Pungent & Spicy Flavors
Onion Powder

Salty Flavors
Pure Sea Salt
Powdered Granulated Seaweed
(Kelp/Dulce/Nori – has “sea taste”)

Sweet Flavors
100% Pure Maple Syrup – Grade B recommended
Maple “Sugar” (from dried maple syrup)
Date “Sugar” (from dried dates)
100% Pure Agave Syrup – (from cactus)



NUTS & SEEDS -(includes Nut & Seed Butters)

Raw Almonds and Almond butter
Raw Sesame Seeds
Raw Sesame “Tahini” Butter

Additional Resources

Dr. Sebi has recommended the foods that are listed here for the reversal of disease for over 30 years.  If your favorite food is missing from the list, our research and results have proven that it has no nutritional value and may be detrimental to your health.   


Whatever nut-milk you choose to make use the following ingredients.

Whatever Recommended Nut you should choose. e,g Almond, Hazelnut or Walnut
Spring Water
Real Vanilla Extract

Blend ¼ lb of the recommended nut of your choice. (unsalted)
Add 2 ½ cups spring water
Blend for 5 minutes
Strain – this your milk replacement

*Tip: Add maple syrup if you need to “dress up” the taste.


Cayenne pepper
Sea salt
Maple syrup
Dill weed
Olive oil


Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil to a bowl
Squeeze two limes into bowl
Add ½ tablespoon of maple syrup to bowl
Add a dash of dill weed, cayenne, and sea salt to bowl
     Mix and add to your favorite salad greens. Enjoy!

It is no surprise that many people have “wheat-allergies”, because wheat is not a natural grain;
it is a hybrid product created by science and it is acid-based.  Natural Growing Grains are alkaline-based; it is recommended that you consume the following instead of Wheat:

Black Rice
Wild Rice

These grains can be found at Whole Foods
Market (or any health food store) in the form
of breads, flours, pastas and cereals.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

MC-Day 1 Year 2

So here I am again, up at 5am. We'll, to be honest my body wanted me up at 4:30, but I didn't get up until 4:44 exactly. Anyhoo, I'm here. Day one of the MC. I can't find a part to my citrus juicer which can be a problem if your 10 year old has taken over washing dishes and you haven't used it since last year. It's not a part that's essentials though...I don't think.
This year I am drinking prune juice in the mornings rather than salt water. Why? Because I feel like it. I hate the salt water flush and prune juice gives me the same explosive results. I haven't made my lemonade concoction yet, but I will in a minute. Just wanted to check in, before the bowel movement party gets started.


Yesterday my cycle started, which for me means that my bowels are a little more active than usual. Then add to that I ate something last night that got the bowels really bumpin', and now prune juice this morning. This seemed at first to be such an injustice, it's better than having it in my body. Boy, this is going to be ugly!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Green Smoothie

Yesterday, I began drinking chlorophyll because it is supposed to be SUPER good for you. Well, I'll tell you this, I took some getting used to on my part. I drank another glass this morning and it wasn't near as bad so I think I'll add this to my diet permanently. I also made my first green smoothie this morning with zucchini, red bib lettuce, green apples, and a green pear. Gotta admit. It's pretty good. Not as delish as my banana almond milk smoothie, but still good. I think I made it too thick though, but whatever. I'm trying to get all my goodness in before my walk at 7am which is in about 30 minutes.
My hope is that the things that I am doing for the precleanse will be the changes after the cleanse. I am doing well so far. I would be doing even better if I could get in the bed on time.
Peace, love, and balance

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 2 of my (pre)cleanse

I'm doing well. Although yesterday my daughter decided to cook fries and put ranch dressing on them. I think she did it on purpose. LOL
Yesterday I ate vegetable stir fry with rice, drank a smoothie (cantaloupe, strawberry, and banana), and drank LOTS of water. I would like to improve by doing green smoothies instead of just random smoothies. I am also trying to stay away from the starches. Well, not completely, but I am just trying to stop using them in EVERY meal. I am also looking into a "green" meal replacement. It is basically like having a green smoothie that I don't have to make myself. After I am done with my client I will be going to Home Economist to get my supplies for the MC. Until tomorrow...

Monday, March 15, 2010

Day 1 of my (pre)cleanse

This is day one of my (pre)cleanse. I am calling it that because I am eating pretty much like I always eat, but I am simply being more careful. I am doing vegan with just a little of the starches for 5 days and then I will be doing the MC for 10 days and then I am planning on being as vegan as possible for life. You know, I really wish that I had more of a conviction about not killing fish or something along those lines to help me stay on course. I don't eat anything but fish if I eat meat, but when I do eat out! I am seeking to be vegan not for any spiritual or moral reason, but simply because my body functions better when I only have vegetables.
I will be eating fruit and drinking lots of water until noon and from noon on vegetables and water.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

So I had a meeting...

So I had a meeting that only one person came to. Some people gave me a courtesy call, some didn't call at all, and some called after the fact. Now that I have sufficiently whined about being let down, let's talk about what I am going to do for my spring equinox cleanse. I am going to do 15 day total rather than 10. I have a deep and abiding feeling that I am going to be sorry for this decision later. LOL I am going to do 5 days vegan (which is my lifetime goal) and I am going to do Master Cleanse for 10 days. My focus for the 5 days is to do as much raw as I can and I am going to do as little starch as possible. UGH! I love rice!!! I was going to do smoothies for the 5 days but I spent all of my money buying food for the meeting that never really was. LOL

I plan on reporting anything that is of interest on this blog so enjoy.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Permission to walk Sir? Permission granted.

A while back my husband asked me to stop walking my usual route for fear that it was safe. I have been more the miserable not to mention gaining weight ever since. I was going to barter a treadmill from one of my clients, but I know I won't use it a lot. It would just serve to keep me in shape when I can't walk outside which is only when it is in the 30 degree range. I then decided to walk at an area museum that has really good paths, but my budding greenness kicked in and the thought of driving to a place to walk seemed really stupid and wasteful. I just told him that I wasn't happy and all the ideas that I'd tried to conjure, he decided that my route was probably the safest and I agreed to take certain precautions. Now, the problem is getting my lazy behind up and getting going again. I can't even remember that last time I walked and that is quite sad. Since I am starting MC soon, I want to make sure that I am somewhat accustomed to walking again prior to the cleanse because I do want to walk during the cleanse to expedite the toxins exit from my body. I will walk my 3 mile route that I was walking before. I am not going to start with the one mile that I began with initially.