
Friday, July 20, 2012

Chef Ahki, starch, flotation device bellies

Hello my name is Morenike and I am a starch addict.

I'm almost certain that I have posted on this topic before, but because I have an addiction I have to post about it again. It doesn't seem to matter than I am a pretty healthy eating vegan/vegetarian, I can't seem to lose weight namely around my middle. When your niece asks you why you stomach looks like a float, it's time to make some changes.

Meet Chef Ahki. She is about to change my life with her simple 3 week /21 day cleanse. I know at this point y'all are like, "This chick is so wishy-washy." What can I say? I'm a Gemini with Cancer tendencies. The only difference between you and I is that I'm posting my dirty laundry to help you. lol I will keep at this until I find something that works FOR ME. Anywho, she is the anti-starch sista, who made it crystal clear why some vegans are fat in this video.

Now that you have watched the vid, if you even realized that I was still writing down here, my dawta and I have decided to get rid of our flotation device-like mid sections. We will start back exercising and nix the starch. I write about the slackness with the exercise later. I am also going to order Chef Ahki's detox tonic to assist me when I start the cleanse. I was tempted to do the renew cleanse, but it seems like just another imbalanced cleanse. It just gets rid of parasite, but doesn't deal with all the other stuff. I know I have an issue with yeast because I have these fierce cravings for starch which is the same as craving sugar.

"The best way to detox yeast? That's the key. Most people have no idea how yeast and candida affect their health. The pharmaceutical companies wan to sell us drugs to rid us of yeast. None of their drugs work. Only way to kill yeast is to STOP FEEDING IT. What do yeast eat? Starch/Sugar...As long as you put starch in your body you are going to have yeast. The problem is yeast is a brilliant parasite. When it is starved for sugar it triggers cravings for sugar in its host. It's not YOU that wants a plate full of brown rice under your vegetables. It's the yeast. There is very little useful nutrition in brown rice. The only reason we eat is to satisfy cravings of the yeast parasites. The key to escaping the yeast trap is to reduce the cravings and to starve the yeast." ~Chef Ahki 

I am very excited about trying the detox, although I know my starch cravings are going to be cutting a fool. Idk, how my daughter is going to do since she got jacked eating a freakin' HUGE pork chop Sunday. Yes, I snitched on you publicly! lol Our plan is to begin working out again Monday. I will be focusing on weights rather than cardio. I'll let you all know how everything goes as usual.

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