Let me say this first of all I have always hated buying bras, because I have never been well endowed and so paying $10 for a bra was my limit and even that seemed like too much for the little bit of fabric required to make my bras. My reasons for wearing them are probably the same or similar to many of you.
1. rite of passage- getting your first bra is a BIG deal--even if your lil' nibblets weren't.
2. proper undergarments-you just plain old have to wear one cause your Mama told you to.
3. saggy boobs-at some point the girls start to hang. If you have breastfed this may be even more pronounced.
4. western ideals-in most "developed" countries we like to keep up the appearance of youth and so we fight anything that doesn't look youthful tooth and nail. This is the main reason that so many where underwires and pushups and have red marks and shoulder marks.
I have gotten to the point that I wear a bra maybe once a week for a couple of hours. I have been bracing myself for my husband to say something but I think he has thrown in the towel on many things and simply lets me be me, bless his heart. I mostly wear the tshirts with the tittie sling in it, but some days I literally let 'em hang. I understand that some of you still work outside the home and aren't able to do such things. Maybe you are just blessed abundantly in the area of boobage and don't feel comfortable with them being unleashed. Whatever the cause just try to cut back on some of your bra time. I learned from hanging with my cousin as she went through breast cancer that the lymphatic system in one of the first things they check after diagnosis. You can do your own research, but let's just say that your breast need to be able to be flushed out by this system regularly and underwires and pushups are too constricting to allow for good flow of lymph.
The normal movement of you body when you are sans bra will encourage lymph flow. When you unleash them after a long day massage is good to make up for the lack of flow all day. This can be done by you for you (bufu) or you can have your husband do it for you which will probably be more fun.
I have tried to make light of this subject, but breast health is really serious especially if you are in my matrilineal gene pool. Please take this seriously as a precaution and do your own research. We have been fooled into thinking that breast are only sexual objects, wombs are unimportant, and menstrual flow is unclean. We have to teach our daughters better than we were taught.
Here is one of the links and if you google you can find some others. By the way don't be naive enough to think that the medical field is going to back this one up. If you aren't sick they are broke.
Peace, light, love, & balance
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