
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 9-Punk Wins---No sucha thang!

Iya Ajoke told me that there is no such thing as a punk win. It was cute at the time, but dammit now I understand! Here I am on day 9 and I am having a stand off with the freakin' sh!+ tea a.k.a. "Get Regular Tea". I would love to tell this tea where to go but alas I already dwell in the 7th circle of hell and don't want the tea to follow me!!!

I started off all serene this morning. I was all "divine feminine" and "one with the universe" and then my 7am client was late. GGGGRRRRRR!!!! I HATE WHEN PEOPLE ARE LATE! She said that she said 7ish. I missed that when we scheduled because I have to give permission for "ish" appointments. I let it ride and she said she would be here by 7:30. She was 3 minutes late for the 7:30, which would have been fine except that she was already late for the 7am. So that I am clear "ish" means that you are going to be a little late, 15 minutes max, 30 minutes meant that I could have stayed in the bed. I conveyed my feelings about my pet peeve being conjured and she told me the real story behind what was going on with her which, of course, I will not divulge.

Needless to say her story brought me back to earth because she is in a worse situation that I am and that quickly brought me back into focus. I will still say that day 9 is a beast. Day 10 will be like those little girls who stand there bouncing back and forth in front of the double dutch rope waiting to jump in. Day 11 is going to be a big ol' orange juice whosaaaaaa, Day 12 is gonna be a party!!!

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