
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 3-UGH!

So yea...I woke up at 4 am. I mean wide awake. I said my prayers and such to prepare for my day. I went to the living room to drink my tea and watch Mandingo for the first time (OMG! That movie pissed me off! You gotta see it.) Around 6:30 my body remembered that we don't wake up at 4am and started to get sleepy, but I couldn't go to sleep because my niece and nephew were set to arrive at 7am. I am really tired, but I know that it will get better. I really wish that I had more time to lay down and really rest. Because Mr. Broom and I are doing the cleanse together it is really hard to just rest and relax because he doesn't know how to mix the lemonade. Usually because I mix it I also get his and mine. This has caused me to be a bit irritable. I have learned that I need to start the cleanse before he does the next time so that I can be into the good part by the time he starts.

I don't know if I mentioned this in the beginning, but I know I mentioned it the first time I did Master Cleanse because I read it on somebody else's blog. WARNING: If you are on MC please don't EVER assume that you just have gas. Your poop has been transformed to a liquid state that all the clenching in the world can't hold back. You WILL mess up your underwear if you assume you have gas. Now, because of this warning I have NEVER had a mishap, so consider yourself warned!

I really hope that you are able to try this cleanse and make it the entire journey. It is rewarding it two ways. You will feel a sense of achievement and you body will feel so much better!

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