
Friday, February 10, 2012

Tabata & Free Online Interval Timer!!! Brangin' Sexy Back SUGAH!!!

Hey Sexy Sistah Crew!!!

A while back Mari and I discovered a really good workout that only takes 4 minutes! Literally. You WILL feel it, and depending on the type of exercise you choose, you WILL burn fat and/or reach your cardio peak.

It's called Tabata. The way it works is that you can do ANY exercise(s) of your choice. You do the first exercise as hard and fast as you can for 20 seconds and rest for 10 seconds. I know it sounds like a bunch of nothing, but do it first and then lemme know what you think.

One problem we had was that the timer on my phone doesn't do intervals very easily, so that meant I was spending most of my rest period resetting my phone. Here is something cool I found for FREE!!! A TABATA TIMER!!! Click here for the timer!

Here's an example of what we do:

  1. Downward Dog to Plank (repeat for 20 seconds)
  2. Rest (10 seconds)
  3. Jumping Jacks
  4. Rest
  5. Push Ups
  6. Rest
  7. Crunches
  8. Rest
  9. Jump Rope
  10. Rest
  11. Crab Walk
  12. Rest
  13. Run with knees high
  14. Rest
  15. Shake Weight
  16. Rest
I really hope you find this helpful as another option to get and stay in shape. I am a bit ADHD when it comes to exercise. I have found that if I just have a lot of options and don't hold myself to specific periods of time I do very well and it works for me. The point is to do more than you used to do. 

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